Determinatie muggen

Thank you for your determination request

Thank you, your request for a determination has been registered. You will now have to do the following:

  1. Use a sturdy box for sending samples (for insects: the sleeve of a medicine jar or something similar, not made of glass!)
    Send preferably several copies (dead or alive) to us.


  2. Send the sample to us in a sufficiently stamped envelope or box:


    Dutch Pest & Wildlife Expertise Centre (KAD)
    Nudepark 145
    6702 DZ Wageningen
    The Netherlands


    State your last name and the e-mail address that you have specified in the form and add it to the envelope or box.

  3. After we received your sample, an invoice will be sent to your e-mail address. After payment, we will proceed with the determination.

  4. Within a few days you will receive your results digitally via the e-mail address you have provided. For regular determinations, we strive to provide you with the result by e-mail within five working days after we receive the sample. For urgent determinations, this is within three working days.